

The I3C tyre features lower soil compaction with deep tread pattern offering excellent traction and good self-cleaning properties.

The specially designed bead prevents pressure drop due to air loss.
Technical Specifications
General notes on technical data

Technical specifications on this website are based on manufacturer data or the ETRTO standard and serve as general basic information.
For every specific type and/or wheel, instructions and figures on load, inflation pressure, speed etc. are stated in the sidewall of the specific tyre by the manufacturer.

If in doubt, please consult the ETRTO technical manuals, or contact us. Do not mount, inflate or use any tyre/wheel combination, until all possible doubts have been eliminated.

M.T.R. Enterprises GmbH will not accept any liability due to errors, omissions or faulty information on this website. All figures are subject to change without further notice.

Manufacturer's and ETRTO specifications are final.
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